If you run a reputable debt collection agency, you probably know how difficult it is to find a reliable payment processor that will accept your application. Most low-risk payment processors won’t work with debt collection agencies because these businesses are deemed high-risk. We are compatible with some of the most popular credit card processing platforms including compatibility with Patriot Bankcard and Advantage Credit Card Processors. And if you do find a high risk cc processor that accepts your application, you often have to pay sky-high rates.
If you’re looking for affordable, secure payment processing for your debt collection agency, there is a better way. High Risk Merchant Pay understands the risks associated with debt collection agencies, and we have implemented a variety of fraud prevention and chargeback mitigation tools in response. This allows us to take on debt collection merchant accounts and still offer affordable rates.
We accept merchants terminated or on the TMF/Match list
Because we’re fully PCI-compliant, you can count on secure payment processing for your debt collection agency. We process over 169 forms of currency, and our payment gateways are compatible with more than 175 ecommerce platforms. Best of all, these features are all available for one low rate with no hidden fees.
So whether you need debt collection merchant account services for debt consolidation, tax collection, or any other debt services, we’re here to support your business. Contact High Risk Merchant Pay at (844) 956-1262 to start processing your collection agency’s credit card payments today!